Saturday, April 10, 2010

Asking the public about PR

A video by Katie Farmer from
Katie sets out to discover just what the public, thinks PR is.


1 comment:

  1. Referring to the last students (the guys') comment:

    "The definition of public relations is connecting millions of ppl or thousands or hundreds or ten people and bringing a lot of people together, and smiling faces and happy faces and happy times.. happy moments and happy everyday"

    Although the ending to his definition is a little "fluffy". I think what is most important to note is the beginning of it. Connecting tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions together.

    What makes this possible now? and easier/more accessible - the internet.

    Social sites help to connect across the country and world - and are indeed aiding in how public interact and are involved with public relations.

    -Ashleigh Smith
